Prior to coming to faith in Christ, I can recall getting ready for gigs (whether it was solo acoustic/vocal stuff or with our band) and occasionally having the feeling that I didn’t want to do it. Although I loved playing guitar and singing, I didn’t always enjoy the idea of playing to entertain people. I was insecure. Tired. Fickle. I realize now this is because as an unbeliever my actions were futile (Ephesians 4); they meant nothing. I was doing it for my own glory, which is exhausting, fades and, at worse, is sin..
Fast forward a decade and, due to being rescued by God, my mindset is completely different (“…transformed by the renewal of your mind”, Romans 12:2). I don’t practice, sculpt tones, lug my gear to church, mess with my mix and play songs for me. I don’t perform. I never have the feeling that I’m trying to entertain people. I couldn’t care less if they even see me. I’m simply helping lay a foundation for the saints, including me, to sing over, so we can have a shared melody to lift to the King of Kings who saved us. We have a common goal, and are of one accord (Acts 1).
I’m not searching for the next huge “gig”, or the next social high of making a crowd cheer. And that’s why this never gets old, because I’m not chasing a feeling or approval. Gathering with the saints is sacred. The Lord’s Day is for celebrating the resurrection of Christ. In some sense, it has nothing to do with me. In another, it has everything to do with me, because I get to gather with God’s people, be filled with joy while singing, be admonished through teaching and refueled for the week to come. But in every sense, the purpose of me being there is to point people (and myself) to Christ, because everlasting pleasure and joy are found nowhere else except at the right hand of God, and that’s where Christ is this very day (Psalm 16).
This never gets old because it’s not about imperfect, fickle, insecure me. It’s about the perfect risen Lord of all, Jesus Christ, who secured our salvation and pleads for us this day and forevermore. He never changes, so neither should my devotion and commitment to him when I strap on the guitar on Sunday mornings.
Coram Deo,
Amen Brother
Yes and Amen Troy
I have a similar journey, gigging in all sorts of places, bands. Now, I love playing more than ever, for His Glory. I want to be better tomorrow, to give the very best He has given me. Keep doing what your doing! Psalm 33:3 Chas