Singing this song is like singing through the Psalms—the language is so similar.
The writer puts on our lips a beautiful declaration: Jesus, My Savior, there is none like you. After declaring his holiness, the writer helps us express our desire to praise Christ for all of our days. In the next verse, the writer helps us ask God to help us fulfill that desire, by asking him to help us worship him unceasingly with every breath!
How beautiful this is. And how challenging this is. This song really forces us to inquire as to whether this Jesus is our Jesus.
Have we personally taken hold of the promises of salvation, justification, adoption, sanctification and glorification that Christ offers through repentance and faith in him?
Have we truly declared that this Jesus is ours, that our life is hidden in his (Col. 3:3)? Would we be willing to deny all who are closest to us to prove that this Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, is our LIFE?
If not, then we cannot rightfully sing these words.
But if so, praise be to God that he has caused us to be born again to a living hope, a birth which allows us to see, love and enter the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of his beloved Son (John 3; Col. 1:12-14)! A new birth which washes our sins away, gives us new minds and hearts that long to praise God and ascribe to him the praise and glory of which he is the only one worthy of receiving (Titus 3:3-8, Romans 12, Jude 1:24-25)!
As you learn this song, reflect on these things. Let’s play our instrument on the Lord’s Day while worshiping the risen Christ. Let’s make playing guitar less important than worshiping our Lord and gathering with his people. Let’s thank God that he has redeemed us and given us the beautiful gift of song to help us focus our minds and hearts on him. While we are undeserving, He’s generous and loving to us to give us such incredible gifts. Praise him!