What more is there to say than simply, “All Hail King Jesus”? To say this, one must have a posture of fear, reverence and awe. As Hebrews 12:28-29 says,
“Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.”
This posture comes from truly knowing God as he has revealed himself in his inerrant Word to us. When we truly know God, we have a right view of his character: that he is holy and hates sin; that he is omniscient–he knows all; that he is sovereign over all.
Knowing this, we marvel that this holy, all-knowing, sovereign God became flesh. Jesus Christ, who is God in the flesh, hung on a cross made for sinners to bear the curse for the sinners who would place their faith in Christ. Jesus died on the cross as the once-for-all sacrifice, bearing the wages of sin.
But death could not hold him.
3 days later he rose again, proving his power over sin and death. He then appeared to many over the next 40 days, before ascending to the right hand of the father to take his rightful place as King of the Universe, the one to whom every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord over all, to the glory of God the father.
So when we sing All Hail King Jesus, as a true believer in Christ, we mean it.
This isn’t a joke. Serving on the worship team at church isn’t a hobby or a social time. Now, it is a great time to fellowship with believers and use the talent and resources God bestowed on you for his glory. Yes. But consider this:
- You are helping God’s people sing to HIM and behold HIM.
- You are helping unbelievers consider the truths that we cherish, in hopes that they might repent of their sin and place their faith in Christ.
This is a BIG deal. We should feel fear, joy, gratitude and lament.
Fear because our God is a consuming fire.
Joy because although God hates the wicked, he came in the flesh to bridge the gap and make a way for us to be reconciled to him.
Gratitude because we know his holiness and are awestruck that through Christ we can even approach him, let alone come with boldness as a child comes to his Father.
Lament, because we know our own sin and wish to be RID of it once and for all, and because of the many who have not confessed Christ as Lord.
One day, all will bow the knee and confess. Believers will do this with a shout of gladness as we do this very day, while those who are not in Christ will do so with a very different posture.
Until that day, let us ensure our posture is one that tells the world that Jesus is our King. He is Lord over all. And we belong to him.
Thank you for this article. It has led me to love and appreciate what God has done and is doing for me as a Believer for 47 years as well as fr my family. I was searching Google for the meaning of “All hail” as spoken by Jesus to the women as they were in route to telling the disciples that He had risen.
I hope it was helpful to you!